Bear gall bladders Uses
WHY GALL and bile? What is the liquid miracle?
"Helpful" bear bile is produced by 7 of 8 species of bears. All except the Ursine Panda.
It is technically Urso-deoxycholic [UDCA] is required and it comes either from bear gall, bile, fresh or dried crystal form. He can rock rheumatism, poor eyesight, and gall, etc. in their prescribed work by some of the traditional Chinese medicine, but discarded any blame towards the purchase of the ring bears the Agriculture and poaching, and thus the detention, torture and consumption.
The demand for bear gall bladders, bile, and paws was death brings more value than alive. The amount of the deductible portion can support a death with a value of over $ 10,000. An average size bear gallbladder commands as much as $ 3,400 in Asia. A single serving can get bear paw soup in an exclusive restaurant in Asia as much as $ 1,400. Asian countries like China and South Korea are the main consumers face.
There are 8 species of bears (brown bear, black bear, Asiatic black bear, polar bear, the giant panda, sloth bear, spectacled bear and the bear). All five species of Asian-Bear Brown Bear, the Asiatic black bear, the giant panda bear to the sun, and bear the effects of hunting for the Chinese medicinal trade has suffered, and of habitat destruction that threatens all terrestrial wildlife.
Unfortunately, bears are not protected by international trade.
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